

立花 知彦

 坐禅では「本来の自己」ということを言います。みなさんに「本来の自己」に気づいてください、と言うのです。「本来の自己」ということですから「ほんとうの自分自身」ということに違いありません。ですからこの人は「本来の自己」を持っているが、この人は持っていないということはありません。誰もが「本来の自己」のまっただ中にいるのですが、あえてその中で私たちはみなさんに「本来の自己」に気づいてくださいと言うのです。  みなさんは「あなたは何ですか? 」と訊かれたときに何と答えますか。ある人は名前を答えたり、またある人は職業を答えとしたりします。考え方やアイデンティティを答えたりする人もいるでしょう。この名前や職業などが「ほんとうの自分自身」なのでしょうか。私たちはこの世に生まれてこの方、いろいろな教育をうけ、いろいろな人と出会い、いろいろな本を読むその結果として名前や職業などが身についてきたものでしょう。そのような考え方も、名前も、職業も「何かである自分自身」として結局どこかで借りてきたものでしかないのです。借りてきたものには「ほんとうにそれでいいのか」という一抹の不安も付きまとうものです。

The True Self


You may have different ideas on Zazen. Some may want to improve their mind by Zazen. Some may want to promote their health like by Yoga. However, both are different from what Zazen is.
In Zazen, we talk about “the true self”. We tell you to awake to “the true self”. “The true self” means “what one truly is”. Therefore, it will be a mistake to say “this one has the true self and that one has not”. Everybody is in the midst of his “true self”, and yet I dare to tell you to awake to “the true self”.
What do you answer when someone asks you, “Who are you?” One will answer his name, another will answer his profession. Some perhaps can answer his thinking or his identity. Are these names, professions etc. “the true self”? In our life, we get certain education, meet certain people, read certain books, and as the result of those things, we acquire our name or profession. Thinking, name, profession. They are something that we borrow from somewhere for our “ self as somebody”. And because we borrow it, we are a little anxious: ”Is it really OK?”
In a matter of speaking, we play the name, the thinking, the profession, the position, etc., of “Me” on the stage of life, as player and director. Zazen asks you. “How about getting off the stage?” Zazen asks you. Why don’t you take off the “Me” as somebody and return to your “Self” as nobody?
It is often said that Zazen is a way down from a mountain rather than a way up on a mountain. We always aimed for the mountain, for the top of the mountain.  We studied a lot in order to be accepted in a good college, worked hard in order to acquire good skills. We walked on the “way up”. By extension, Zazen is often considered as a way up to the top, to the “satori” (awakening) though hard works. But the true Zazen is not oriented in that direction. The way down from the mountain leaves the way up to the mountain, leaves the way in which “I” aim to do something.
We have always subject “I”, accompanied by verbs and objects. Human beings think and create meaning within the framework of subject-object-verb. But before everything, in the original world, were there meanings? In the world which originally was, were there subjects? The true Zazen leaves the meanings that “I” created. It leaves the subject “I”.
In Buddhism, we talk about “greed”. We can easily be aware of material greed or instinct greed, but we have also the greed for meaning. It is the one that it is the most difficult for us to recognize and to leave. Our “I” wants “meaning”.
Zazen leaves “meaning”, Zazen leaves “I”. It leaves “do something”, it leaves even “do Zazen”. And then, Zazen become the light for “the true Self”, for “the Self itself”.
Temples are something like “lighthouses”. The “lighthouses” which shine the true light. They seem not to be needed when the see is calm, but they are important guides when the sea is stormy and when ships lose their course. When you live a peaceful life, perhaps you don’t need temples. But Temples are there as guide when you need them. Temples are “lighthouses”.  (Translated by Shodo KANEKO)